Ross phoned me at 2am this morning, (that’s about 9am NY time), he told me to turn on the TV.
“Which channel?”, I ask. “any channel it doesn’t matter.”
I watched until 4am my time, guiltily grateful that I could turn it off, guiltily grateful right now that I live in New Zealand. I’ve been thinking about everyone of you who live in America since and my thoughts are with you, your friends and your family now.
I remember driving around the base of the empire state building and the world trade centre — stuck in peek hour, grid locked traffic and peering up into the sky being overwhelmed by the sheer size of the buildings, the size of NYC. I can’t comprehend that something like this would happen, could happen….
Ross and I spent about 2hrs on the phone this morning, both of us had our eyes glued to CNN or BBC World, hardly speaking, yet the phone was pressed firmly to my ear, wanting to be closer, needing him near.
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